Why not a water pipeline? Dear editor: Since the southwestern United States is suffering a crisis stage drought, and states along the East Coast and going west experience most flooding in the country, why not consider a water pipeline from these areas to the Southwest?
The National Flood Insurance Program agrees these states need flood assistance. From 1970 to 2018, the eastern U.S. experienced more floods — or at least filed more insurance claims related to flooding — than the rest of the country. They agree that while these changes in precipitation may not be a permanent feature of our warming climate, they certainly are causing an upheaval in the lives of those in flooded areas.
Those of us who live in the Southwest are faced with the yearly fears of devastating fires, and drought so terrible it is threatening the breadbasket of the nation. The shrinking Colorado River has become increasingly less able to fulfill the water needs of millions of people in California, Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming.
Yes, a water pipeline would be costly. But the Bay Council Economic Institute estimates that, “When counting insured losses, the 2020 wildfire season is estimated to have produced between $5 billion and $9 billion in destruction.” Estimates from 2017 and 2018 exceed $10 billion per year.
In the face of these harsh realities a pipeline would be worth the investment. But it would also create jobs and avoid the cost and social disruption of resettling millions of Americans to less thirsty parts of the country.
If you agree, contact our leaders, starting with Governor Gavin Newsom at govapps.gov.ca.gov/gov40mail, and tell him we need a water pipeline now!
We can’t afford not to. Maria J. Andrade Claremont
Today is POW/MIA Recognition Day Dear editor: The nation’s POW (prisoner of war)/MIA (missing in action) Recognition Day is observed Friday, September 16. This day honors those who were prisoners of war and those who are still missing in action. It is an important remembrance of those who gave the ultimate sacrifice in our country’s defense and remain unaccounted for.
This day holds a special place in my heart. I was honored to be part of a U.S. Navy construction battalion—better known as the Seabees—that supported an MIA recovery team in Vietnam in 2002 by providing camp resources such as electricity, tents, and water. During their 45-day journey, the MIA recovery team successfully found remains at three different crash sites. After the mission, the team confided that they felt like they were a part of something extremely rewarding, even more so than their daily service duties. They, much like myself, were deeply impacted and proud of their contributions toward accounting for the POWs and MIAs.
On behalf of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, Department of California, we want to encourage everyone to recognize and honor these soldiers and their families. You can do so by holding ceremonies marking this day of remembrance and reminding your communities how important it is to think of these individuals on the 16th and every day. While it may be easy to overlook the role that veterans play each day in America, it is impossible to forget the ones who made the ultimate sacrifice. Martin Yingling Veterans of Foreign Wars, Department of California, state commander
Very disappointed in Larkin Place coverage Dear editor: Very disappointed by another “nimby-ism” article from the COURIER this time by Steven Felschundeff [“What is ‘by-right’ and why can’t Claremont just say no to Larkin Place?” Sept. 9]. Please, no more excuses. Doug Lama Claremont
MAGA Republican wants Trump back in office Dear editor: According to President Biden’s September 1 speech, I’m an enemy of our country because I want to Make America Great Again.
As a MAGA Republican I believe in returning to President Trump’s policies including, but not limited to: A southern border wall; real punishment for all criminals; equal enforcement of all laws; elimination of cashless bail policies; maximizing domestic petroleum production and pipeline distribution; reduction in size of our federal government; removal of critical race theory from our schools; removal of “wokeness” in our military and government; reduction of federal regulations; restoration of tariffs on Chinese manufactured goods; tax breaks for companies moving their production facilities from foreign countries back to the USA; return to 2.1% inflation from the current 8.3%; and controlling the adventurism of Russia, China, North Korea, and Iran.
President Biden has not been a “uniter,” he’s been a racist partisan “divider” of our country. I, and 74,200,000 Americans who voted for President Trump instead of Biden in 2020 are now labeled by President Biden as “extremists,” “anti-American,” “fascists,” and genuinely evil. I see yard signs around Claremont saying, “Stop Trumpism.” My sign reads, “Trump 2024 … Do you miss me yet?” I obviously have a difference of opinion with many Claremont residents.
Donald Trump may be a thin-skinned narcissist, but I believe his policies were the best this country has ever had. I’ll put up with “mean tweets” if it results in lower inflation, lower gas prices, cheaper electricity, lower crime, restoration of respect for law enforcement, a stronger military, a defined and respected foreign policy, and a cleaning out of “the partisan swamp” in our government. I did not vote for Donald Trump to be my pastor; I voted for him to be my president and to Make America Great Again.
We need him back! Kris Meyer Claremont
2022 community read features an apt topic Dear editor: The Claremont On the Same Page community book this year is the graphic memoir, “A Fire Story,” by author/illustrator Brian Fies.
On October 9, 2017, wildfires burned through Northern California, resulting in 44 fatalities and the destruction of thousands of homes. In “A Fire Story,” Fies shares an unflinching account of this tragedy as he and his wife experienced it — including losing their house and every possession that didn’t fit in their car.
Given our community’s vulnerable position adjacent to dry grassy hillsides and mountains just beyond, and now the water restrictions that are only promising to worsen, it is clear this might just be the most important book that we can read this summer.
Copies of the book are available for checkout and for purchase ($20) at the Claremont Helen Renwick Library, 208 N. Harvard Ave. Additional information about events will be forthcoming. Keep up with the details on Facebook (Friends of the Claremont Library) and our website, claremontlibrary.org.
Also, lawn signs created by Joel Cinnamon are now available. If you have a front yard where a sign can be seen — by foot and/or car traffic — you can pick one up at the library or contact us and we will deliver.
I hope to see you at our events, and that you find the book enlightening. Lanore Pearlman, chair On the Same Page Committee Friends of the Claremont Library